Nordic National Romanticism:

Upper-level Survey Course Fall 2010

Instructor: Associate Professor Cynthia M. Grund



Links to:



Practical Information:

An English translation is under preparation. In the meantime, here is SDU's information in Danish regarding the variety of ways - including the options valgfag and overbygningskursus - in which this course may be taken for credit, depending on the program of studies in which a student is enrolled:


For OB-kurser og Valgfag er der følgende eksamensbestemmelser. Der henvises til studieordningerne for udtømmende oplysninger.

Bacheloruddannelsen, studieordning 2005, rev. 2007, studieordning 2009

Centralt fag


Prøveform: Skriftlig bunden prøve under tilsyn

Varighed: 3 timer

Censur: Intern

Bedømmelse: Bestået/ikke bestået


Kandidatuddannelsen, studieordning 2007, 2007 rev. 2009


Prøveform: Skriftlig hjemmeopgave

Censur: Ekstern

Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala



Prøveform: Mundtlig sagsfremstilling

Censur: Intern

Bedømmelse: Bestået/ikke bestået


Frit emne og Valgfag

Prøveform: Mundtlig sagsfremstilling

Censur: Ekstern

Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala


Studerende fra andre studier, som bruger kurset som Valgfag/Åbent fag på OB:

Prøveform: Mundtlig sagsfremstilling

Censur: Ekstern

Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala


Kandidattilvalg, studieordning Kandidatuddannelsen 2007, 2007 rev. 2009

Valgfag, Selvvalgt emne A + B:

Prøveform: Skriftlig bunden prøve under tilsyn

Varighed: 3 timer

Censur: Intern

Bedømmelse: Bestået/ikke bestået



Skriftlig emnekursus:

Prøveform: Skriftlig hjemmeopgave

Censur: Ekstern

Bedømmelse: 7-trinsskala


Mundtlig emnekursus:

Prøveform: Mundtlig

Censur: Intern

Bedømmelse: Bestået/ikke bestået




. . . and so, that was then:












Broen over Tryggevælde å med udsigt til Køge



Johan Christian Claussen Dahl. Ca 1815.


Fotograf: Foto: SMK Foto Statens Museum for Kunst.
Det er ikke tilladt at fremstille eksemplarer af et kunstnerisk værk beskyttet af lov om ophavsret, når eksemplarfremstillingen sker på grundlag af en gengivelse af værket i digitaliseret form. Det er således eksempelvis forbudt uden rettighedsholderens samtykke at down-loade beskyttede værker, der ligger i databaser på internettet. Statens Museum for Kunst eller CopyDan, Billedkunst vil evt. kunne være behjælpelig med indhentning af rettighedsholderens samtykke til reproduktion af kunstværker i databasen.


 . . . and this is (more or less, give or take a little distance) now:



Broen over Tryggevælde å med udsigt til Køge

Photo: Haagen P. Cumlet, April 16, 2010













 Institute of Philosophy,

Education and the Study

of Religions


Research Director for

The Aesthetics of

Music and Sound:


Editor and Webmaster for

Cynthia M. Grund






June 30, 2010: NordForsk awards a grant of 571,239 Norwegian kroner to NNIMIPA for 2010-2013.

The Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics (NNIMIPA - becomes a research network under NordForsk ( on September 1, 2010. Nordforsk contacted chief applicant Cynthia M. Grund on June 30 to announce the award of 571,239 Norwegian kroner (ca. 535,000 Danish kroner/88,000 US dollars) for 2010-2013. The decision was made by the director of NordForsk following an evaluation carried out by a panel of independent experts.


June 23,2010: Summary report chronicling William Westney's tenure as HCA-Academy Guest Professor at SDU now available on the menu tab "HCA Professor 2009-10" here on this site. As the summary report indicates, William Westney's presence as HCA-Academy Guest Professor has put its very exciting imprimatur on many of the acitivities within The Aesthetics of Music and Sound this year, and a heartfelt "thank you" goes to Professor Westney for all he has done to enrich the program. To see all that has transpired - also those activities and events without direct relation to the guest professorship - please see the calendar available on the "Events/Calendar" menu tab on this site (on the calendar itself, click the leftward-pointing arrow next to "Today.")

  Now the summer university break is soon upon us, but please keep an eye out for upcoming events and activities within The Aesthetics of Music and Sound on both the "Preview" and "Events/Calendar" menu tabs.

  The Aesthetics of Music and Sound wishes everyone a happy, healthy summer filled with wonderful music and sounds!


June 13, 2010:  Preview tab added to the site's menu bar in order to inform about upcoming events, also those for which a date has yet to be fixed.

  For all that has gone on in May 2010 and previously, please see "Archive for 'Updates' " below and the calendar available on the menu tab "Events/Calendar."


May 31, 2010:  For details on the June 2, 2010 Seminar on meaning formation in music from the perspectives of multi-modality and functional linguistics  at SDU with William Westney and Cynthia M. Grund, please see here.


for "Updates": Click here.


(Includes the description of the SDU-IFPR research program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound which initially appeared online in Danish as Musikkens og Lydens Aestetik during the fall of 2006.)


The Aesthetics of Music and Sound -              

Cross-Disciplinary Interplay between the Humanities, Technology and Musical Practice