

The schedule for the spring 2015 installment of the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound - Mostly Metal is available HERE. As always in this series, participation via Skype is welcome.

Logo designed by Christophe Szpajdel
The exhibition Marks of Metal, which opened at Brandts - Mediemuseet (link HERE) in Odense on January 15, 2015. kickstarted the seminar series. The exhibition features work by internationally renowned logo artist Christophe Spzajdel, and is under the direction of Vitus Vestergaard. This is part of Vitus' ongoing research project in our program The Performances of Everday Living entitled Investigation of Metal Music and Visuals: Logo, Cover, Brand; for background, see HERE. A noteworthy feature of the exhibition-opening on January 15 was that Copenhagen-based black metal band Solbrud (see HERE) performed
Lunchtime Concerts:
The spring 2015 Lunchtime Concert schedule will soon be available.
For the fall 2014 Lunchtime Concert schedule, please see HERE.
Our most recent concert on November 20 featured students from the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark (Syddansk Musikkonservatorium og Skuespillerskole - SMKS). See HERE for more information.

Our fifth concert this season - on November 13 - featured pianist William Westney.

Our fourth concert this season - on October 9 - featured singer/guitarist Louise Nordstrøm.

Our third concert this fall featured jazz pianist Per Aage Brandt:

Our second concert featured Sofie KØ - Alternative rockpop - with August Korsgaard at the piano and Laurits Brinkmann on bass:

We started the semester with a concert featuring pianist Jens Jakob Kjær Hansen:

The final Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2014 took place on May 27 with Janus Araghipour. Details available HERE.

Pianist Giacomo di Tollo gave the penultimate LUNCHTIME CONCERT during the spring semester on May 8, 12 noon - 1 p.m. in The Winter Garden across from Cafeteria 4. Poster available HERE and program available HERE.

The third Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2014:
LUNCHTIME CONCERT with Teresemarie Lisiux and Claus Ladekjær Wilson Thursday, April 24, 2014, 12 noon - 1 p.m. in The Winter Garden:
Concert poster available HERE as pdf-file. Concert program available HERE as pdf-file.
The second Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2014:

Etagen Under gave the second Lunchtime Concert during the spring semester on March 20, 12 noon - 1 p.m. in The Winter Garden across from Cafeteria 4. Poster and program available HERE.
The first Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2014:
12 noon - 1 p.m. in THE WINTER GARDEN:
Please see HERE for detailed program.
Please see HERE for a continually updated schedule and an overview of the 36 concerts which have taken place since the inauguration of the series in April 2010.
All Scheduled Events

Comprehensive calendar with events and activities sponsored by/affiliated with the research program: This Google Calendar is updated on a regular basis. To see upcoming events which are not immediately visible in the calendar's overview, please click on "Look for more." To see events which already have occurred, please click "Look for earlier events."

The fifth Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 took place on December 12, 12 noon to 1 p.m. in The Winter Garden, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense. It was a concert of seasonal music with Nikolaj Nottelmann, tenor, and Cynthia M. Grund, piano. Program details available HERE.

The fourth Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 took place at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense on The Campus Square (Campustorvet), 12:00-13:00 on Thursday, November 21, and - once again - featured
students from the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark, this time in a concert - Brass and Tango - that is part of the Academy's annual Chamber Music Festival. Program available HERE; poster available HERE.

The third Lunchtime Concert during the fall of 2013 took place at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense on the Campus Square, 12:00-13:00 on Thursday, November 7, and featured students from the Performance Program at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark. The production was entitled Elements (as in the famous four: earth, air, fire and water). It was an exciting and innovative hour of music theatre! Concert poster available HERE. Concert program available HERE.

The second Lunchtime Concert for the fall season of 2013 took place Thursday, October 10, 2013, 12 noon - 1 p.m. in the Winter Garden across from Cafeteria 4. University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. Schuberts Winterreise with Anders Bloch, baryton;and Christian Verdoner Larsen, klaver. Concert poster available HERE. Concert program available HERE.

Our first Lunchtime Concert for the fall season of 2013 took place Thursday, September 12, 2013, 12 noon - 1 p.m. in the Winter Garden across from Cafeteria 4. University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. With Janus Høgfeldt Araghipour, klaver; Sidse Malene Bohm, sopran; Anders Christensen, baryton;and Maria Due Marstal, sopran.Concert poster available HERE. Concert program available HERE.

Our fifth and final concert in the Lunchtime Concert series for the spring of 2013 took place on Thursday, May 2, 2013, 12 noon - 1 p.m. on the Campus Square - Campustorvet, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. Giacomo di Tollo, piano, performed A Festival of Italian Operatic, Belle Époque and Contemporary Piano Transcriptions. Poster for the concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program (with notes) available HERE as pdf-file. Please see HERE for more detailed information on the Lunchtime Concert Series at the University of Southern Denmark.

Bonus coffee pause concert took place on Wednesday, April 24, 20132:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in Cafeteria 4 , University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. Janus Araghipour, piano, played music of Beethoven, Nielsen, Bach, Debussy, Schumann og Chopin. Poster for the concert available HEREas a pdf-file. Program (with notes) available HERE as pdf-file. Please see HERE for more detailed information on the Lunchtime Concert Series at the University of Southern Denmark.

The third Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took place 12-13 on April 18 and featured pianist Morten Heide performing a program consisting exclusively of the virtuosic piano music of Charles-Valentin Alkan in honor of the 200th anniversary of Alkan's birth. Poster forthe concert available HERE as a pdf-file. Program (with notes) available HEREas pdf-file. Please see HERE for more detailed information on the Lunchtime Concert Series at the University of Southern Denmark.

The second Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took place 12-13 on March 21 and featured Emma Oemann, soprano, and Teresemarie Lisiux, piano, who will celebrate the arrival of spring with Britten, Mozart, Puccini and Bernstein.

The first Lunchtime Concert during the spring of 2013 took place 12-13 on February 21, 2013 in Cafeteria 4, SDU-Odense and featured pianist Minako Jensen, Academy of Music and Dramatics Arts - Southern Denmark. Minako will perform a program of Chopin, Scriabin, Liszt and Brahms. Concert poster available HERE. Concert program available HERE.
See HERE for upcoming events for which a date has yet to be fixed.
Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound during Previous Semesters :
To see what seminars were held during the fall semester 2013 in the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the spring semester 2013 in the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the fall semester 2012 in the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the spring semester 2012 in the seminar series Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the fall semester 2011 in Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the spring semester 2011 in Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
To see what seminars were held during the fall semester 2010 in Topics in the Aesthetics of Music and Sound, please see schedule HERE.
PhD Course offered in November, 2012 (in Danish) :
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2012: PhD COURSE (in Danish)
offered by the Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark:

- forskning i æstetiske læreprocesser gennem lyd i krop, kultur og kunst
(- research in aesthetic learning processes involving sound in the body, culture and art)
Kursusansvarlige/ Course Organizers:
Lektor i børne- og ungdomskultur Herdis Toft
Lektor i filosofi Cynthia M. Grund,
For the Institute page for the course, please see HERE; poster available HERE.
The course was offered in Danish by IKV-SDU on Tuesday, November 27, 2012.
Homepage for the course and course materialsHERE.
Lunchtime Concerts during 2012:
2012 concerts in the series took place place on

The final lunchtime concert of 2012 took place on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12 noon - 1 p.m. on Campustorvet -The Campus Square, and will be a concert of Christmas music with Nikolaj Nottelmann, tenor, and Cynthia M. Grund, piano. Concert poster availableHERE. Concert program availableHERE.

Thursday, November 22, 2012, 12 NOON - 1 P.M. ON THE CAMPUS SQUARE/CAMPUSTORVET, SDU - ODENSE:
Den første koncert i Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskoles Kammermusikfestival 2012.
Program available as PDF-filehere:
Posters availabe as PDF-files here and here.

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 12 noon - 1 p.m. on the Campus Square (Campustorvet) University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. Martin Vestergård Hansen, piano, & Josefine Opsahl, cello, play Cassadó, Bach and Debussy. Concert poster available HERE. Concert program availableHERE.