Researchers in The Aesthetics of Music and Sound
- For information regarding researchers in the research program The Performances of Everyday Living, please see here.

Inge Bjarke, Lecturer in aural training at The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark/ Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS; Educated as a pianist, a piano teacher and a teacher in aural training. (The Interrelationship of Notation and Performance)
Mikkel Snorre Wilms Boysen, Associate professor, University College Zealand, Cand. Mag. and Master from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Aarhus, PhD student, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Understanding Musical Creativity and Aesthetics in a Digital-Based Youth Cultural Context)
Tony Brooks, Dept. of Architecture, Design and Media Technology -AD:MT, Aalborg University Esbjerg-AUE (Adaptable Interfaces & Augmented Avatar (JC) - Introducing Tools for Disabled and Musicians in VR)
Marianne Børch, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Are Treatments of the Metaphysics of Music in Medieval Literature Relevant for Current Theories of Musical Meaning and Significance?)
Mogens Christensen, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts/Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS (Recognition of Expressive Styles in Music Performance)
Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard, Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Recognizing Music - biological perspectives on music and the emotions)
Claudio Cifuentes-Aldunate, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Lyric and Meaning in Music)
Mogens Davidsen, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Towards an Aesthetic Theory of Correlativity)
Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, Dept. of Architecture, Design and Media Technology - AD:MT (The Composition and its Role in the Music Ensemble; Music and Meaning). For more information, please see
Claus Gahrn, Composer, Musician (Soundmapping the Genes)
Lars Graugaard, Composer, Musician (Autonomous Agents – An Accompanist in VR)
Cynthia M. Grund, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Recognizing Music; Music and Meaning; Relationship of Gesture to Communicative Authenticity in Performance; Musical Implications of the Work of Selected Philosophers; Employing the Methods of Discourse Narrative to Support Interpretative Choices Faced by the Practicing Musician;Technological and Aesthetic Investigations of the Physical Movements of Pianists) For more information, please see
Morten Heide, Pianist and Choral Director. Member-at-large, originally a representative of The Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, Southern Denmark (AMDA)/Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS. Odense, Denmark, Morten has now completed both degrees. (A Program of Practice-based Research Designed to Examine Listener Reaction to Olivier Messiaen's Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus)
Marianne Horsdal, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU(Employing the Methods of Discourse Narrative to support Interpretative Choices Faced by the Practicing Musician)
Kristoffer Jensen, Medialogy, AAUE (Recognition of Expressive Styles in Music Performance; Autonomous Agents - An accompanist in VR)
Anne Helle Jespersen, Research Librarian in Music, Head of Music Section; Library of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). MA in Ethnomusicology and Cultural Communication. (Creating Creativity)
Eva Petersson, Dept. of Architecture, Design and Media Technology -AD:MT, Aalborg University Esbjerg-AUE (Children's Knowledge Creation with Intelligent Agents in Music Education - Understanding for Optimizing Motivations)
Niklas Saers, member-at-large, formerly representing Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS and Aalborg University Esbjerg-AAUE (Recognition of Expressive Styles in Music Performance)
Lars Ole Sauerberg, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU , The University of Southern Denmark-SDU (Intermediality)
Hans Sydow, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts/Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS (Music Communication)
Fredrik Søegård, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts/Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS (Soundmapping the Genes, Music Communication)
Herdis Toft, Institute for the Study of Culture, IKV, University of Southern Denmark-SDU (The Sound of Movement -the Sound of Learning)
Tere Vadén, Aalto University, Dept of Art, Helsinki, Finland (Analysis and Implementation of Practice-Based Research)
William Westney, School of Music, Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas; HCA-Andersen Academy Guest Professor, IFPR, SDU. (Relationship of Gesture to Communicative Authenticity in Performance ; Musical Implications of the Work of Selected Philosophers; Employing the Methods of Discourse Narrative to Support Interpretive Choices Faced by the Practicing Musician; Technological and Aesthetic Investigations of the Physical Movements of Pianists) For more information, see;;
SDU's HCA Guest Professor page;

Researchers in The Aesthetics of Music and Sound: Alumni
Jens Arnspang, formerly of Medialogy, Aalborg University Esbjerg-AAUE (Recognition of Expressive Styles in Music Performance)
Axel Momme, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts/Syddansk Musikkonservatorium & Skuespillerskole-SMKS (Music Communication; Recognition of Expressive Styles in Music Performance)
Peter Edlef Nissen, Former Research Librarian, University of Southern Denmark-SDU, and Former Director, Syddansk Sang- og visecenter/The Song and Ballad Center of Southern Denmark. (Community Singing and/or Ideology)