
- forskning i æstetiske læreprocesser gennem lyd i krop, kultur og kunst

09.30-11.00 Cynthia M. Grund, lektor i filosofi,
En filosofisk orienteret tilgang til æstetiske læreprocesser gennem lyd
Fokus- og diskussionsområder: Merleau-Ponty – Dewey – Godøy and Leman og Jensenius – og som eksempel: Musik gennem bevægelse: Westneys Unmasterclass/ Pointlight Motion Capture / Markerless Motion Capture |
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til En filosofisk orienteret tilgang til æstetiske læreprocesser gennem lyd

John Dewey
Smagsprøve fra
Dewey,John (1934/1980) Art as Experience. Perigee Books. Kan læses online i sin helhed på Venligst kig igennem kapitel 3: "Having an Experience."

Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Smagsprøve fra
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice (1945/1962) Phenomenology of Perception. New York and London: Routledge. S. Kig venligst på og "preview" kap. 1, "The 'Sensation' as a Unit of Experience."

Counterfactual Hearing & Embodiment
Venligst kig igennem: Grund, Cynthia M. (1997b) “Intentionality, Food and Music: A Fictionalist Approach.” Metaforer i kultur og samfund. Edited by Carsten Hansen. Copenhagen: Københavns Universitet Amager, 61-98. For web version, see

The Perfect Wrong Note & The Un-Master Class
Smagsprøve fra
Westney, William (2003 hardcover/2006 paperback). The Perfect Wrong Note. Pompton Plains, New Jersey: Amadeus Press. Se venligst, skriv "healthy practice" i Search inside this book og kig på kapitel 4.
En dokumentarfilm (15 min. 43 sec.) om William Westneys Un-Master Class filmet i Alsion Koncerthus i Søndeborg den 24. november 2009 blev udsendt for første gang på ALT-Aabenraa Lokal TV i ugen den 8. februar 2010. Nu er den permanent tilgængelig online
(se også

Musik, gestik og bevægelse
Smagsprøve fra Musical Gestures: Sound, Movement and Meaning, (linked to publisher's page) Rolf Inge Godøy and Marc Leman, eds. New York & Oxon: Routledge, 2010. Brug venligst knappen "View inside the book" og kig på Part II.
Point-light Motion Capture I
Jensenius, Alexander Refsum; Kristian Nymoen; Cynthia M. Grund; William Westney; Ståle A. Skogstad (2010). "Video Suite - in Three Movements: Jensenius-Westney-Grund on Motion-capture, Music and Meaning." Multimodal webpage presentation of original motion-capture video with accompanying audio, including original documentary-and-interview video-and-audio about the motion-capture labwork. Webpage:, finalized on April 25, 2010, on the website for NNIMIPA: Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics, a network funded under The Nordic Council of Ministers' NordPlus Program. NNIMIPA Webmaster and Network Coordinator: C.M. Grund.
(2010) Grund, C.M and Westney, W. Music, Movement, Performance & Perception: Perspectives on Cross-Disciplinary Research and Teaching within NNIMIPA - Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics. An essay in words and pictures recounting the NordPlus-sponsored Coordination Meeting for NNIMIPA held at the University of Oslo, February 18-19, 2010. Text: Cynthia M. Grund and William Westney. Photography: Cynthia M. Grund. Odense: The Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at the University of Southern Denmark and NNIMIPA: Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics, a network supported by NordPlus, 76 pages. ISBN 987-87-92646-11-8.
Masters Course on Music, Meaning and Gesture
March 22-26, 2010 at SDUæOdense

Markerless Motion Capture
Almen baggrund: 4 min. 28 sec.
Anvendelse med musik: 3 min. 01 sec.

Point-light Motion Capture II: 4 min. 06 sec.
Se venligst også samt
(30 slides)
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Department for the Study of Culture

Research Director for
The Performances of
Everyday Living
Coordinator for
The Aesthetics of
Music and Sound
Editor and Webmaster for
Cynthia M. Grund


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