Press Coverage:
HCA-Academy Guest Professor William Westney

After William Westney's piano concert in Pumpehuset, Tønder, March 17, 2010: Left to right: Her Royal Highness, Princess Marie; His Royal Highness, Prince Joachim, Hans Christian Andersen Guest Professor SDU-IFPR, Willliam Westney, and Asssociate Professor SDU-IFPR, Cynthia M. Grund.)

In chronological order:
An interview with William Westney is the cover article in the May/June 2009 issue of Clavier Companion magazine. CLICK HERE to read the article.
For the June 15, 2009 news item appearing on the website for Yale School of Music and announcing the appointment of William Westney as Hans Christian Andersen Guest Professor at SDU, please click HERE.
For an interview (in English) with William Westney about his appointment as H.C. Andersen Guest Professor at SDU - "Pedagogy and Philosophy Viewed from the Piano Bench" - which appears on pp. 9-10 in the September 2009 no. 2 issue of the Danish online journal for upper-secondary education entitled GymPæd 2.0, please click HERE.
The November 2009 issue of Ny Viden, the monthly magazine of the University of Southern Denmark, has a feature article on Dr. Westney on pages 12-14 (click HERE for article - in Danish).
At the end of November 2009, ALT-Aabenraa Lokal TV broadcast the first of a series of interviews with H.C. Andersen Guest Professor William Westney. To view the clip, please click HERE.
At the beginning of January 2010, ALT-Aabenraa Lokal TV broadcast a concert with H.C. Andersen Guest Professor William Westney recorded live on November 24, 2009 and performed for an audience of around 350 people at Alsion Concert Hall, Sønderborg. To view the program as a pdf-file, please click HERE. To see and hear the concert, please click HERE. The broadcast is of the concert in its entirety and divided into two parts. The first part contains music by Haydn, Fauré, Liszt, Harburg/Arlen, and Arlen as well as the first piece by Gershwin. The second part contains the Gershwin/Wild Fantasy on Porgy and Bess and the Burgmüller encore.
A documentary about William Westney's Un-Master Class, filmed at Alsion Concert Hall in Sønderborg November 24, 2009 was broadcast for the first time on ALT-Aabenraa Lokal TV during the week of February 8, 2010. To view the documentary, please click HERE in order to access the segment directly on ALT's homepage.
During the week of February 1-February 22, 2010, ALT-Aabenraa Lokal TV aired "Music and Meaning: Duets and Dialogues" with H.C. Andersen Guest Professor William Westney and Cynthia M. Grund, Research Director for The Aesthetics of Music and Sound (AMS). To view the documentary on ALTV's homepage, please click HERE. This program includes interviews with Westney and Grund, gives an overview of the activities of AMS, tells the story behind William Westney's connection with the Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions at The University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and includes clips from the conference held at SDU-Odense on November 6, 2009: Art and/or Entertainment? The Fifth Anniversary Conference on Philosophy and Popular Culture.
February 22, 2010, the Norwegian cultural site began running a story HERE after the NNIMIPA: Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance an Aesthetics coordination meeting in Oslo at the Department of Musicology, during which William Westney gave a concert, an Un-Master Class and participated in a variety of motion-capture experiments designed to shed light on the role of gesture in musical performance. To learn more about music, meaning and motion-capture please see HERE as well as the the page for to the NordPlus-sponsored Master's Course Music, Meaning and Gesture at SDU, Odense. March 22-26 HERE for more information.
March 12, 2010: Prince Joakim and Princess Marie to attend William Westney's concert at Pumpehuset, Tønder, on March 17.
- For story in Jydske Vestkysten, see HERE;
- For coverage in Kulturfokus, see HERE;
- For the Royal Calendar, see HERE;
- For coverage on the SDU website, see HERE.
March 18, 2010: Billed Bladet's online coverage of William Westney's March 17 concert at Pumpehuset, Tønder. Link: HERE
- "Prinzenpaar zwischen Presse und Piano/ Prinz Joachim und Prinzessin Marie kamen zum Konzert von William Westney." Link on HERE.
- "Prinzenpaar traf Star-Pianisten Westney." Link on HERE.
May 2010: Cover story entitled "Four Ms - Music, Mind, Motion, Machines: How Can Knowledge About Movement and Sound Create Better Technologies?" Qualisys Newsletter Issue One, May 10. Cover and p. 4. Available online HERE.
July 7, 2010: Nordschleswiger-Deutsche Tageseitung in Dänemark once again runs photo coverage of William Westney's concert at Pumpehuset inTønder on March 17 in connection with the article: "Royale Sommervisite mit Prinzenpaar/ Aus Frokostteilnahme von Prinz Joachim und Prinzessin Marie wird offizieller Halbtagsbesuch." Link on HERE.
Airing on ALTV (Aabenraa Lokal TV) September 6, 2010 - September 13, 2010 and available online at ALTV's site HERE: William Westney's Lecture as Hans Christian Andersen Visiting Professorial Fellow, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense: "Experience and Inquiry - A Musical Journey."
Learning the skills of concert performance in private, and presenting music in public, are both highly distilled and specialized activities. Due to the fact, though, that musical processes involve so many aspects of a person, all working together – physical, analytical, emotional, aesthetic, practical, communicative, epistemological, etc. – the implications for philosophy and pedagogy can be wide indeed. Although the material of music is abstract and non-verbal, musical experiences are strikingly real and immediate, and musical content communicates with uncanny power. This lecture presents some ongoing findings from observing this realm of experience, as well as its intriguing relevance to the work of H.C. Andersen. Solo piano performances are included. (Lecture given at The University of Southern Denmark in Odense on November 17, 2009.)
May 14, 2011: Texas Tech Discoveries is the publication of the Texas Tech University Office of the Vice President for Research and its first issue was officially launched May 14, 2011. William Westney is profiled in a feature article that provides detailed coverage of the research on which he and Cynthia M. Grund are currently working as well as Westney's involvment within NNIMIPA. Please see HERE.
For more information about William Westney, please see
Texas Tech U personal homepage HERE

Department for the Study of Culture

Research Director for
The Performances of
Everyday Living
Coordinator for
The Aesthetics of
Music and Sound
Editor and Webmaster for
Cynthia M. Grund


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